Login to HPC Brain Cluster

NOTE: This will not work if you are not inside the universities network. If you need to connect from outside do this via SSH or VPN.

Linux / Mac

Open a terminal. You can login via Secure Shell (SSH), e.g.

$ ssh <username>@brain.uni-greifswald.de

At this point you should be able to issue some commands on the login node of the brain cluster.
Your prompt tells you which node you are on.

[usertest1234@frontend ~]$

You are on the <node> called "frontend" and your <username> is "usertest1234".


Our recommendation is to use the very handy tool: PuTTY.

After download just click on the executable.

You have to type the IP address or Host Name:


Hit "Open" at the bottom of the window.
A Terminal should open and ask for your login informations. (a notification may pop up first which asks you to confirm the servers fingerprint)
Login: <username>
Password: <password>

NOTE: The single characters of your password will not be visible, you have to type your password "blindfolded"!

Use "brain.uni-greifswald.de" as host name.

At this point you should be able to issue some commands on the login node of the brain cluster.
Your prompt tells you which node you are on.

[usertest1234@frontend ~]$

You are on the <node> called "frontend" and your <username> is "usertest1234".