
PaperCut client setup

The PaperCut client requires a 64bit Linux (tested with Ubuntu 16.04 und 18.04) and a Java runtime version 11. There are two archives you can chose from. Inside the bigger one a compatible Java runtime is included. When you already have a Java runtime installed on your system (e.g. via the package openjdk-11-jre) you can use the small file.

The archive has to be extracted e.g. inside the home directory. Afterwards the PaperCut client can be started via the terminal.

cd papercut

When starting the client you will be asked for your credentials of your central user account.

After a successful authentication the client is active. This can be seen via the status window. Since the PaperCut client needs to be active when printing it is recommended that the client starts automatically when booting the system or when entering the desktop environment. More information can be found here.

Installation of the virtual network printer

The virtual network printer will be setup in a web browser via the local CUPS page: localhost:631.

Via Administration you can add a new printer in the Printer section. When the system asks for username and password, please use the local credentials from your computer. On some systems the credentials of the root user are required.

The printer will be connected via Internet Printing Protocol (https). The URL of the printer is:

When asked for the driver please use Ricoh MP C3004 PXL.

After the installation the printer virtual-ricoh is available. Since all upcoming print jobs should be done via this printer it is recommened to select it as the default printer.