Free Wi-Fi

The University of Greifswald provides a free, open-access Wi-Fi network “UniHGW offen”. The aim of this Wi-Fi access is to provide short-term guests with easy access to the internet. Furthermore, it can be used to configure eduroam on devices without a wired network interface (users do not have to resort to mobile data connections).

Technical requirements

The free Wi-Fi is not provided via the X-WiN network. It uses separate DSL access. You need to be aware of the following conditions:

  • the bandwidth is limited
  • the number of users is limited
  • only provides access to the internet, i.e. use of internal university resources not possible (without VPN)
  • online publications licenced by the University of Greifswald are not accessible (without Shibboleth/VPN)


  • If possible, always use the eduroam Wi-Fi.
  • For conferences, please continue to use Conference Access.